

User Agreement


User Agreement

Welcome (i.e., the "User") to use the services we provide. This statement is published by the independent developer team BetterFly Studio. Address: Building 10, Unit 3, No. 1, Park Road, Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province. Contact number for information protection officer: 15982352991.
Please read and fully understand the following terms carefully. Once you log in to the service, it is considered that you have fully agreed to all the contents of this agreement, including any modifications we have made to the terms of use. If you have any objections to any of the terms of this agreement, you may choose to terminate login (or stop using the service).

1. Accept the terms

1.1 The services we provide are offered to users according to the terms of this agreement; once the user logs in successfully, whether accessing the services we provide or publishing any content on our services, it signifies that the user fully accepts all the terms of this agreement.
1.2 When using our provided individual services, users should comply with the guidelines and rules related to that service. All guidelines and rules constitute a part of this usage agreement.
1.3 Any behavior by the user to directly or indirectly use our provided services and data (such as through RSS feeds and external API references) will be regarded as unconditionally accepting all content of this agreement.
1.4 If the user has any objections to any terms of this agreement, please cease the use of all the services we provide.
1.5 Users should comply with all terms of this agreement and use the services we provide legally and reasonably; otherwise, we have the right to terminate services to the user based on this agreement.
1.6 We reserve the right to revoke the user account being used at any time.

2. Usage Rules

2.1 Users are fully responsible for the authenticity, legality, and validity of the login information provided in our services. Users must not impersonate others; must not use others' names to publish any information; must not maliciously use their accounts to cause other users to be misled.
2.2 The services we provide are a platform for information sharing, dissemination, and acquisition. The information published by users through our services is public information, and third parties can access the information published by users through our services. By publishing any information, users acknowledge that the information is public and will assume legal responsibility for this action; any information that users do not wish to be known by third parties should not be published through our services.
2.3 Users commit not to engage, directly or indirectly, in activities that violate Chinese laws and social morality in any way by using our services. We reserve the right to delete content that violates the above commitment.
2.4 Users must not use our services to create, upload, copy, publish, disseminate, or repost the following content:
  • Content that opposes the fundamental principles established by the constitution;
  • Content that endangers national security, leaks state secrets, subverts state power, or undermines national unity;
  • Content that damages national honor and interests;
  • Content that incites ethnic hatred, ethnic discrimination, or undermines national unity;
  • Content that insults or abuses the image of heroic figures, denies the deeds of heroic figures, or beautifies and glosses over acts of aggression;
  • Content that undermines national religious policies, promotes cults and feudal superstitions;
  • Content that spreads rumors, disrupts social order, or undermines social stability;
  • Content that disseminates obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terrorism, or incitement to crime;
  • Content that insults or defames others, or infringes upon the legitimate rights and interests of others;
  • Content that contains false, fraudulent, harmful, coercive, infringes upon the privacy of others, harasses, invades, slanders, is vulgar, obscene, or other content that is morally repugnant;
  • Content that contains restrictions or prohibitions imposed by Chinese laws, regulations, (department) rules, and any other legally effective norms;
  • Content that we deem inappropriate for display in our services.

3. Intellectual Property

We provide services that serve as a platform for information acquisition, sharing, and dissemination. We respect and encourage user-generated content and recognize the importance of protecting intellectual property rights to the survival and development of the services we offer, committing to protect intellectual property rights as one of the fundamental principles of our service operations.
3.1 All original content published by users on the services we provide (including but not limited to discussions and comments) is owned by the users themselves. Users may authorize third parties to use it in any way without needing the consent of the services we provide.
3.2 If a third party republishes original content published by users on the services we provide outside of our services for non-commercial purposes, they must indicate the original author's name (or the account name used by the original author on our services) prominently at the beginning of the work, provide the original link to our service, indicate "published on our service", and may not modify or adapt the work. If modifications are needed, or for commercial purposes, the third party must contact the user to obtain separate authorization and use the content in the manner specified by the user.
3.3 Users should ensure that the content uploaded or published on our services is either their own copyright or has been legally authorized, and that the content does not infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of any third party. If a third party raises copyright objections, the services we provide have the right to delete relevant content based on the actual situation and may pursue legal responsibility against the user. Users shall be fully liable for compensating any losses caused to us or any third party.
3.4 If any third party infringes the rights related to users of the services we provide, users agree to authorize the services we provide or its designated agents to represent us or the users in warning, complaining, initiating administrative enforcement, litigating, appealing, or negotiating settlements against the third party, and users agree to participate in joint protection if the services we provide deem it necessary.
3.5 The services we provide have the right, but not the obligation, to review user-published content and may handle infringing information according to relevant evidence in conjunction with laws and regulations such as the "Tort Liability Law", "Regulations on the Protection of the Rights of Communication through Information Networks", and the guiding principles of the services we provide. Add a text paragraph here.

4. Personal Privacy

4.1 Except as required by law or authorized by the user in writing, we guarantee that the services we provide will not publicly disclose or reveal users' personal privacy information to third parties, or the non-public content stored by users while using the services. At the same time, in order to operate and improve the technology and services we provide, the services may collect and use or provide users' non-personal privacy information to third parties, which will help us provide better user experience and service quality.

5. Disclaimer

5.1 We cannot guarantee the security or accuracy of the content or comments posted by users.
5.2 The content posted by users in our services only represents their personal stance and views, and does not represent the stance or views of our services. As the publisher of the content, you are responsible for the content you publish, and any disputes arising from the content published are to be fully borne by the publisher of that content. Our services bear no legal or joint liability.
5.3 Our services do not guarantee that the online services will meet user requirements, nor do they guarantee that the online services will not be interrupted, and we make no guarantees regarding the timeliness, security, or accuracy of the online services.
5.4 We are not liable for any interruption of online services or other defects caused by force majeure or reasons beyond our control; however, we will do our best to minimize any losses and impacts caused to users as a result.

6. Modification of the agreement

6.1 According to the development of the internet and the changes in relevant laws, regulations, and normative documents, or due to the needs of business development, the services we provide have the right to modify or change the terms of this agreement. Once the content of this agreement has changed, the modified agreement content will be published on the website, and such publication will be deemed as notice to the user of the modified content. The services we provide may also use internal message delivery to notify users of changes to the agreement terms, service changes, or other important matters.
6.2 If the user does not agree to the modifications made by the services we provide to the relevant terms of this agreement, the user has the right and should stop using the services we provide. If the user continues to use the services we provide, it will be regarded as the user's acceptance of the modifications made by the services we provide to the relevant terms of this agreement.

Update date: April 10, 2024